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CiteScore: eight indicators that provide perspectives for analysing the publication influence of the journal. It uses data from Scopus and includes peer-reviewed research, encompassing articles, reviews, conference papers, data papers, and book chapters, and covers a four-year period of citations and publications. Click on CiteScore rank & trend to see more details about how this journal compares with similar titles. To find out more, please visit CiteScores.
SJR: (SCImago Journal Rank). Using a similar idea as Google PageRank algorithm, which assumes that important websites are linked to from other important websites, SJR weights each incoming citation by the SJR of the citing journal. A citation from a high SJR journal counts more than one from a low one. Citation weighting depends on subject field and prestige (SJR) of the citing serial. To find out more, please visit SJR.
SNIP: (Source Normalised Impact per Paper). Measures citation impact by weighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field. The impact of a single citation is given higher value in subject areas where citations are less likely, and vice versa. To find out more, please visit SNIP.
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