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Scopus guide

Scopus is a multidisciplinary database and so useful for most researchers. this guide will show you how to use it to find the information you are looking for.

Author profiles

Author profiles can be used to identify other researchers who are active in the same field for potential collaboration, or to stay informed about the latest publications by your colleagues. It shows you their: 

  • Documents by subject, source, type or year
  • h-index (rates an author's performance based on their career publications and is measured by the lifetime number of citations each article receives -quantity (number of publications) and quality (number of citations)). 
  • Co-authors
  • Most contributed Topics 
  • Preprints
  • Awarded grants 

You can edit your profile to ensure it is correct. You will need to have a Scopus account to do this. This will enable you to merge duplicate profiles, set a preferred name, add & remove documents, update affiliation and link to your ORCID account. 

Here is Scopus' quick reference guide to their metrics for definitions to the metrics that they use such as h-index. 

screenshot showing an author profile