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Scopus guide

Scopus is a multidisciplinary database and so useful for most researchers. this guide will show you how to use it to find the information you are looking for.

Comparing journals

When you are on the Source details page of a journal, click on Compare sources to be taken through to another page to look at how that title compares to others in the field. 


You can then search for other journals by title, ISSN or publisher. Select the title you want and it will automatically update the graph. You can add up to ten journals.Click on Table to see the information displayed in a table. Click on the graphs underneath the main image in order to see those metrics clearer. These will mean that you can compare: 

  • CiteScore for each publication by year 

  • SNIP for each publication by year 

  • SJR for each publication by year 

  • Number of documents for each publication by year 

  • Percent of articles cited for each publication by year 

  • Percent of review articles published in each publication by year