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A step by step guide on how to use EndNote

Removing duplicates

To remove duplicates one by one:

  • Make sure that your required library is open and All references list selected.
  • From the Library menu, select Find Duplicates.
  • If no duplicates are found, a message will be displayed. If duplicates are found they are displayed in the Find Duplicates dialog box, where you can compare duplicates and decide which version to keep and which to delete.

To remove duplicates in bulk:

  • Click on the Cancel button in the Find Duplicates dialog box and a list of references with the duplicates highlighted will display. A separate Duplicate References group will automatically be created in the navigation panel.
  • To remove all the duplicates, simply click on one of the highlighted references and drag them to the Trash in the navigation panel on the left hand side, or right click on one highlighted reference and choose Move References to Trash.

By default, checking for duplicates only compares the Author, Year, Title and Reference Type fields. To add or remove fields for detecting duplicates, click on Edit – Preferences - Duplicates.

Screenshot showing bulk deletion of duplicates