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A step by step guide on how to use EndNote

Using EndNote with LaTeX/BibTeX

LaTeX is an open-source typesetting program that enables the creation of high-quality documents. LaTeX is favoured by scientists/engineers requiring extensive use of mathematical symbols/formulae. BibTeX is a bibliographic tool that can be used with LaTeX to manage references and create a reference list.

It is not possible to use EndNote’s Cite While You Write functionality with LaTeX/BibTeX. However, it is possible to use the reference management features of EndNote to store and organise references. Selected reference details can then be exported as BibTeX files (.bib) for use with LaTeX as required.

To export a BibTeX file (.bib), follow these steps:

  • From the File menu, select Export
  • Select the desired drive and folder
  • Choose a file name with no spaces and add the .bib extension. For example: references1.bib
  • Choose the Text File format as the file type for the exported file
  • From the “Output style” list select “BibTeX Export”. You may need to find the style under “Select Another Style”
  • Click Save

BibTeX (Imperial College) input filter – an improved filter to import BibTeX files (allows for more variation in data structure than official BibTeX filter). Use the EndNote BibTeX link below to download the zip file file and look for the filter file: BibTex (Imperial College).enf. Save files in C:\Program Files\EndNote\Filters.

BibTeX Export (Imperial College) output style – an improved output style to export EndNote records in a BibTeX format (additionally exports contents of Notes field to BibTeX note= field). Use the EndNote BibTeX link below to download the zip file file and look for the style file: BibTeXExport (Imperial College).ens. Save files in C:\Program Files\EndNote\Styles.

For more information on reference management for LaTeX users please also see our BibTeX for LaTeX guide.