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A step by step guide on how to use EndNote

Inserting citations

Using the Insert Citation command in Word

  • Move the cursor to the required position for the citation in your document
  • From the EndNote ribbon Citations group, expand Insert Citation and click on Insert Citation
  • A box will appear. To find the required reference, type a term in the box and click on Find. To bring up all the references in your library, type a into the box and then click on Find

Image of insert citation command in Word

  • EndNote will display matching references. Click to highlight the required reference(s)
  • Click Insert to insert the reference(s) in the text
  • The following options are also available:
    • Insert & Display as: Author (Year) – this will display the author’s name outside the parentheses
    • Insert & Exclude Author – the author will not appear if you are using an Author-Date output style
    • Insert & Exclude Year – the year will not appear if you are using an Author-Date output style
    • Insert in Bibliography Only – a citation will not appear within the text, but the reference will appear in the bibliography

To insert citations from EndNote:

  • In MS Word move the cursor to the required position for the citation in your document
  • Go to your EndNote library and click to highlight the required reference
  • From the EndNote toolbar click on the Insert Citation icon

If you are not sure that the cursor is in the correct position in your document do not use the Insert Citation button. Instead:

  • In your EndNote library click to highlight the required reference
  • Return to your document in MS Word
  • Move the cursor to the required position for the citation in your document
  • From the EndNote ribbon Citations group, expand Insert Citation and click on Insert Selected Citation(s).