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A step by step guide on how to use EndNote

Formatting a bibliography

How your newly inserted citations appear in your document depends on whether Instant Formatting is turned on or off.
By default Instant formatting is turned on. If Instant Formatting is turned on the citation will appear formatted using the current output style selected in EndNote, and the full reference will appear below:

It is useful to have Instant Formatting turned on if you want to see your citations formatted every time you add a new one. However, it can cause problems in Word if you have a large number of citations in your document so you may wish to turn it off temporarily.

To do this, from the EndNote ribbon in Word, click on the Instant Formatting is On/Off button to turn it on/off.

When Instant Formatting is turned off the citation will appear unformatted:

Sometimes it is more convenient when working on a large text to split it into separate documents, for example, one document for each chapter. You then need to produce one bibliography to include all the chapters.

You can use EndNote’s Format Paper option or Word’s Master Document feature to generate a single bibliography from multiple documents. This allows you to create a cumulative bibliography from any number of chapters. (For details of Word’s Master Document feature consult the Help available in Word.)

To generate a single bibliography using EndNote’s Format Paper option:

  • In each of your documents, or chapters, insert your citations to link them to references in an EndNote library. If you use the Cite While You Write feature, make sure you click on the Convert to Unformatted Citations (Convert citations and bibliography) option. The citations should look like this:

Where the other species {Schwartz, 1990 #11} arose is a mystery.


  • Save each document in Rich Text Format (RTF). Close each document.
  • In EndNote, click on Tools, then Format Paper, then Format Paper.
  • When prompted, locate the first RTF document to be scanned. The following screen is then displayed:

  • Click on Scan Next and locate the next RTF document to be scanned. Repeat until all documents have been scanned
  • Select the Output Style you require then click on Format.
  • You will be prompted to save each document with a new name. Each document will contain formatted citations but only the last document scanned will contain the formatted bibliography at the end.