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A step by step guide on how to use EndNote

Customising output styles

Although there are reference styles available that put the information and citation in the correct order and format for that particular style, there still may be elements that you wish to change.
For example, if you are importing references from certain databases, they may only provide the abbreviated journal title rather than the full journal title. You may also want to change the appearance of the citation.

To customise a reference style:

  • In EndNote go to the Tools menu and select Output Styles
  • Another menu box will appear, click on Open Style Manager
  • Highlight the output style you wish to change and click on Edit


Screenshot showing the EndNote output styles menu where you can select your style and then edit.

  • The following box will appear. To change the various elements of the reference and affiliated citation, click on the options that appear in the left-hand menu

Screenshot of the EndNote output style editor showing the menu on the left hand side of all the ares that can be edited. 

  • Once you have made the changes, close this window. This will prompt you to save your changes as a new output style, which will appear as an option when you next go to choose a reference style in either Word or EndNote.

To change the citation settings so it appears above the text:

  • Open the Style Manager as shown above and choose to edit your referencing style
  • Under the Citations menu on the left hand side select Templates
  • Highlight/select the text in the Citation box
  • Click on the Superscript button in the toolbar above, see picture below

Screenshot showing the EndNote editior and the citation, template option has been chosen in the menu and an arrow pointing to the superscript button at the top.

  • Once you have made the changes, close this window and save this as a new output style

When importing references from databases, some databases will only provide the abbreviated journal title and not the full title that is required by some referencing styles. So the reference in its original form may not provide the right journal title format when you insert it into you written work.
As mentioned previously in Importing Term Lists, to combat this problem and save on editing, EndNote has a feature known as Terms Lists or more specifically Journal Term Lists. The Journals Term List stores various forms of journal names that can be used when creating bibliographies. When you are editing an output style, you can choose the journal title format you require regardless of how it was displayed in the original reference.
To do this:

  • Go to the Tools menu and choose to edit your referencing style
  • Click Journal Names from the panel on the left hand side
  • Select the journal format you wish to use, close this window and save this as a new output style


To see the various abbreviated formats of a journal title, go to the Journal term list. To do this go to the Library menu, select Open Term Lists--Journals Term list. Scroll down to find the relevant journal.