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A step by step guide on how to use EndNote

Configuring Full Text and OpenURL settings

EndNote can automatically locate and download full text files by accessing several sources, including: DOI (Digital Object Identifier), PubMed LinkOut, and ISI Web of Science Full Text Links. EndNote will try to use all of these methods to optimise the likelihood of finding full text files associated with your bibliographic records.

Since some sources accessed may require authentication, you are likely to get better results using Find Full Text when connected to the Imperial College network.

To optimise retrieval of Full Text articles:

  • Go to Edit > Preferences and select Find Full Text
  • Ensure that all the search option boxes are ticked
  • In the OpenURL Path box enter:
  • In the Authenticate with URL box enter:
  • Click OK


OpenURL Link

The OpenURL Link command can be found in References menu as follows: References > URL and select OpenURL Link. This command opens your default web browser and displays related record links for references you have selected in your Endnote Library. It connects to an OpenURL standard syntax server and uses these OpenURL preferences along with data in your EndNote record to find related online references and full-text sources if available.

To connect to the Library OpenURL server:

  • Go to Edit > Preferences and select URLs & Links
  • In OpenURL Arguments box change the sid to ISI:EndNote. The new arguments should look like this:
  • Click OK