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A guide to using RefWorks reference management software to save references in a library and create citations and references in documents

Quick cite

Quick cite can be used as an alternative to RefWorks Citation Manager to create in text citations and references.

Note that if you are using a numerical style such as Vancouver, you will need to re-order the reference list generated by Quick cite to match the numbered citations in your document.

We advise that Quick cite should only be used to generate a short reference list and that you should use RefWorks Citation Manager for longer reference lists.

  • Select Create Bibliography>Quick cite
  • Select your preferred citation style and click Continue
  • Select the reference you want to cite by hovering over the reference and clicking Copy Citation
  • The formatted citation will appear in the citation box, copy and paste the citation into your document
  • Continue to select and paste citations as required then click Continue to bibliography
  • A reference list will be generated in your preferred style from your selected citations
  • Copy and paste the bibliography into your document