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A guide to using RefWorks reference management software to save references in a library and create citations and references in documents

Adding references

There are various ways to add references to your RefWorks library.

Some databases and resources allow you to export references directly into RefWorks. Look for the RefWorks option when exporting references.

For this example, we will use ScienceDirect:

  • Conduct your search and tick the boxes next to the references you wish to export
  • Click on the Export button and select Save to RefWorks
  • Log in to your RefWorks account when prompted to do so. The selected references will be downloaded into your library
  • You can choose whether to assign the references to a folder in RefWorks, and whether to import any tags assigned to the reference by the database
  • Click on the Last Imported folder to view the references

N.B. you may need to enable pop up blockers for Direct Export to work with some databases, such as Web of Science.

Direct export using Science direct

You can import PDFs of journal article into RefWorks to create instant references. Either drag and drop individual PDFs into RefWorks, or click Add >Upload Document, then select the PDFs you want to import.

With some databases you cannot export directly and instead you must save the references to a text or RIS file and then import it into RefWorks.

Import using a text file

For this example, we will use PubMed.

  • Conduct your search and tick the boxes next to the references you wish to export
  • Click on the Send to: link and select Citation Manager from the Choose Destination options, then click the Create File button and save the file if prompted to do so
  • Log into your RefWorks account click Add and select Import References
  • Click Select a file from your computer or drag and drop the RIS file where directed
  • RefWorks will attempt to identify the files origin e.g. NLM PubMed. If this is correct click Import, or click on Search for the Format and select an option from the drop down menu
  • Your saved references will be imported into RefWorks

Importing using an RIS file

For this example, we will use Scopus.

  • Conduct your search and tick the boxes next to the references you wish to export
  • Click the Export button and select RIS or RefWorks from the options (both options will produce an RIS file)
  • Save the RIS file
  • In RefWorks go to the Add menu and select Import References
  • Click Select a file from your computer or drag and drop the RIS file where directed
  • Select RIS format as your import option in the drop down menu
  • Your saved references will be imported into RefWorks

screenshot showing process for importing a text or RIS file

  • Click Add select Create New Reference
  • Select the appropriate Reference Type, e.g. Journal Article from the drop down menu
  • As you type the title RefWorks will suggest options at the bottom of the screen or click the lightning icon
  • Enter author names as Last name, First name or initial, e.g. Smith, J. or Smith, James
  • To add additional authors hit Enter
  • Corporate authors should be entered as they appear, e.g. Department of Health
  • Click Add More Fields to add additional information, including fields used by online sources
  • Once you’ve completed all the relevant fields click Save

You can search Imperial College Library Search via RefWorks and import references directly into your library.

  • Click on Search Databases
  • Search for Imperial College London
  • Click the magnifying glass icon and enter your search terms
  • Alternatively click the Advanced Search bar for additional options
  • To add extra fields to the Advanced Search, click on Add a field
  • Select the items to be imported, select a folder to import into if applicable, and click the Import button
  • Click on Last Imported to see your references

Installing the Save to RefWorks bookmark in your browser allows you to download references from a variety of resources (Web of Science, EBSCO, PubMed, webpages) straight into your RefWorks library.

Please note Save to RefWorks does not work with most databases.

To install Save to RefWorks:

  • Select Tools>Tools
  • Click on the Install Save to Refworks button
  • Drag and drop the Save to RefWorks button into your browser bookmark/favorites bar
  • Conduct your database search and when on the results page click the Save to RefWorks link in your bookmark bar
  • The RefWorks sidebar will appear on the right of the screen, select the references you want and click the Save to RefWorks button
  • The selected references will now be saved in your RefWorks library