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A guide to using RefWorks reference management software to save references in a library and create citations and references in documents

How do I organise and search my references?

RefWorks has various ways you can organise the references in your library.

Creating folders

You can create folders to keep references on the same subject, or for the same project grouped together. Note that all your references will remain in All References allowing you to view your entire library at any time.

References can be listed in more than one folder and you can create subfolders.

To create a folder:      

  • Click on My Folders to open the folders list, select Add folder and enter a folder name as required
  • Add references to a folder by ticking the boxes to the left of the reference then click on My Folders to open your folder list. Drag and drop the selected references onto the folder name to add them

De-duplicating references

  • Go to All References to remove duplicates from across your RefWorks folders
  • Select Tools>Find Duplicates
  • Select the criteria for matching according to the details beneath each of the options
  • Select Find Duplicates. Duplicate references are highlighted and can be selected and deleted

Adding attachments

To add attachments to references you must be in Edit mode. 

  • Click on the reference you wish to add an attachment to and in the Reference window click on the pencil icon in the top corner to open Edit mode
  • Click in the Attachments field and navigate to your file
  • Click on Save in the Reference window

Search options

Click on the magnifying glass to search your references and click on Advanced for more search options.

Using Projects

You can also organise your references using Projects. However, this is not necessary for most RefWorks users as it creates mini RefWorks libraries which are separate from one another and you cannot add references from different Projects into a document.