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Getting Started With the Library for NHS Staff

Quick overviews on key library services for NHS staff

Training and support

We provide group and bespoke teaching sessions, as well as one to one support on a range of topics, including information and research skills, as well as health literacy. These sessions can support you with your studies, for personal interest or continuous professional development. They can also be used as evidence in revalidation portfolios. 

In addition, we work with internal development programmes to deliver embedded sessions as part of a programme or course, as well as supporting inductions, events, and conferences across our partner trusts. 

Support we offer

We run a variety of workshops across the year that are designed to empower attendees to search for, access, appraise, and use health information and evidence. Our workshops encourage evidence-based practice and can be used to support your CPD, education, research, and clinical practice. Certificates of completion are available for your records. 

Our sessions are delivered online via Microsoft Teams and are open to all NHS staff from one of our partner organisations

To see our full list of upcoming workshops and to book your place, visit skills workshopsor sign up directly via KnowledgeShare

Regular sessions include: 

  • Resources for evidence-based practice
  • Getting the best results: improving your database searching
  • How to read a research article: an introduction to critical appraisal 
  • Creating poster presentations
  • Introduction to undertaking an evidence review
  • Managing your references accurately
  • Introduction to preparing for publication
  • Introduction to health literacy

We offer one to one support online or in person at our medical libraries. Our NHS Support Librarians are experienced with offering tailored sessions, making a one to one perfect if you have a specific question or want personalised support.

Appointments are usually for an hour and can be booked via Microsoft Bookings or by contacting your NHS Support Librarian

We can run bespoke sessions for teams, small groups, or as part of an existing education programme. We will work with you to ensure that the session addresses the specific areas you want and can deliver the session at a time and date that suits you.

We have run multiple success sessions that cover areas such as:

  • Finding and accessing health information
  • Critical appraisal
  • Health literacy
  • Developing a journal club
  • Point of care tools such as BMJ Best Practice

To organise a bespoke training session, contact your NHS Support Librarian

NHS Support Librarians are available to undertake evidence searches for you on topics of your choosing. We aim to meet your deadlines where possible and will work with you to renegotiate deadlines if a query is particularly complex or during peak times.

Requests can be made by library members via KnowledgeShare. Unfortunately, we cannot carry out searches for assessed assignments. Instead, we can teach you how to do it yourself in a group workshop or a bookable one to one. 

More details about our evidence search service is available in our guide here.


An example of some of the information required to request an evidence search - the information you provide will help us carry out your search effectively.

Additional support is available from our team of NHS Support Librarians and our help desks at each of our libraries. 

Details about your dedicated librarian and your nearest library are available in this guide.