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Getting Started With the Library for NHS Staff

Quick overviews on key library services for NHS staff

Current Awareness

Current awareness emails with KnowledgeShare

You can receive free current awareness bulletins through KnowledgeShare - regular emails linking you to articles and training related to topics of your choice.

KnowledgeShare is accessed using an OpenAthens login, and you can sign up for it at the same time as the library when filling in the membership form. When you do, you will let us know your interests and role, and we will use this information to ensure your current awareness emails are relevant. You will also tell us how often you'd like to receive these emails.

If your current awareness emails do not look right, we can amend your interests until they do. Just reply to one of the emails and your assigned librarian will be happy to help.


Current Awareness means "keeping up to date" with new developments and information. It is important to know about the latest developments in your field and it shows commitment to continuous professional development. There are lots of different tools to help with this.

Other options for current awareness

There are lots of tools that you can use to help with your current awareness. Bulletins on different topics are provided by organisations such as NHS England and the King's Fund. Some are produced by individual NHS trusts and other bodies.

You can also set up Table of Contents alerts from your preferred journals.

For more resources visit current awareness services.