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BibTeX for LaTeX

This guide provides a brief overview of managing references in LaTeX using BibTeX. Follow the instructions to integrate BibTeX into your LaTeX documents, allowing you to cite sources and generate bibliographies.

A Vancouver style (using natbib package)

We do not currently have any LaTeX style files for the Imperial College London referencing formats.

The following is an example of a Vancouver (numeric) style output that can be used as an alternative to the Imperial Harvard style.

You need the following commands:

  • \usepackage[numbers]{natbib} or \usepackage[numbers,round]{natbib} for round brackets - add to the preamble
  • \cite - use to insert citations in the text (see table below for more variations)
  • \bibliographystyle{unsrtnat} - where unsrtnat is our preferred Vancouver style output
  • \bibliography{filename} - to create the reference list

Natbib citation commands




\cite{1145} Citation appears as a number based on the order in which the sources are cited e.g. aerodynamics [1]
\cite[p.~22]{1145} Allows page number to be inserted (used for direct quotes) e.g. aerodynamics [1, p. 22]
\cite{1145,1150} Multiple citations appear e.g. aerodynamics [1, 2]

Example: a Vancouver style with natbib

Original document in LaTeX:

A screenshot ilustrating use of the Natbib package in creating a Vancouver Referencing Style in Overleaf


Typeset output: